
The 2023 Wrap: Part 1/3 – Me, myself and I

9 January, 2024

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Words by Em Armstrong

Over the last few weeks, social media has been FLOODED with all the goodness from what 2023 had to offer (which I LOVED seeing everyone’s year in review). Frankly, I haven’t gotten there yet, as I didn’t even know where to start.

But after I’ve had a little rest and break over the Christmas and New Year period, I feel like a blog post here via The Saltbush Journal is a great place to start.

I’m going break down the three biggest wins/challenges for me over 2023, in three different blog posts, so we can really dive into all the goodness that 2023 had to offer and also take the moment to pause, reflect and celebrate everything that we achieved as a community.

So, hold on for the ride and let’s hook into 1 / 3 blog post topics…

Em xx

For the last five years, until the start of 2023, it was just me, myself and of course we can’t forget about Penny.. It was me, the voice, face and heart of Saltbush Stretch…100% solo. But as Saltbush started to grow at a rapid rate, I noticed some things were beginning to get missed and I wasn’t doing things 100% to the ability that I normally would have done.

I was at a pivotal point where I needed to grow my team, so that I could still commit 100% to my amazing community and continue to bring my three main elements of movmenent, community and connection to everyday lifes of women of the bush.

And I am SO glad it happened, because at the start of 2023 the beautiful and amazing QUEEN OF HEAT, Caz Gaston joined our team.

This was a HUGE moment for me, as I wanted to attract someone who was passionate about supporting bush women, passionate about movement, health and wellbeing but also just an all round legend who I knew my amazing community (AKA you reading this), would love and connect with.

Caz kicked off our first challenge of 2023 with us which was “Get Your Groove Back” in February 2023 and let’s just say we haven’t looked back. I see Caz as a part of the furniture at Saltbush Stretch and I know everyone in the Squad loves her (love hate relationship in those pulses I know)…but I am truly so lucky to have you Caz and thank you for making me “your boss”, which still seems very strange.

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Moving forward a few months, the Saltbush team has gone from one (being me), then two with Caz and now we are a team of four with the AMAZING Hannah and Mollie. (I will go into more detail below about “The Studio” in our 2/3 blog post)… 

But never in my WILDEST dreams did I ever think that I would be someone’s boss (little loan supporting 3 other amazing bush babes out there)! Such a pinch-me moment…

I also just wanted to use this moment to reflect on our beautiful Caz (in which I won’t go into too much detail), but Caz was actually diagnosed with Cancer in late 2023 and I still am trying to bring myself to terms with this.

Caz is going through a horrible time right now, so I ask you to please say a little prayer or good thoughts for Caz as she needs all the extra love and support right now. Caz will still be on the mat with us in 2024, but for now, Caz is focusing on herself – but she will be ready to bring you the heat VERY soon (watch this space).

I thought I’d dive a little deeper into the personal challenges for me growing my team…which I just wanted to share with you (as it’s not always roses and sunshine growing a business). And I feel like I’ve never really touched on these elements with you before…and I love sharing all of the highs and lows with you (my amazing community)! So, below is some of the CRAZY (but real) thoughts that went through my head when growing my team…

And the list goes on…and why am I sharing this with you…because I think it’s important to know that I am human too and I don’t have all of the answers and I am just figuring it all out too.

So, Caz, Han and Mol and my AMAZING Saltbush community thank you for choosing me (as I feel like the lucky one) and it still seems weird that I am someone’s boss…LOL

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And if you are wondering HOW BIG WILL SALTBUSH GET? In terms of staff, not much bigger at all. Saltbush Stretch has always been about community, connection and movement and I want YOU (Squad and Studio babes) to feel connected to the team. The team will only ever be MAX 5 people (we are currently at 4)…as I never want it so big that it loses that feeling of community and connection. So watch this space is 2024 if that lucky 5th person joins joins our wild bunch #staytuned

So, I’ll wrap it up there. I hope you have enjoyed this read, a little different to our normal Saltbush Journal write ups. But 2024, the year is getting into the nitty and gritty details that I hope you all are LOVING so far…

And if you are reading this feeling the HIGH Saltbush vibes, head to the button below for our online community The Saltbush Sqaud or jump into booking a class in The Studio 😉 

Stay tuned for our 2 / 3 part series of reflections from 2023 in our next Saltbush Journal write up…all things about The Studio – WOW! It’s a goodie, #staytuned

Big love. Em xx

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