Words by Laura Kiel & Han McGufficke
Running a marathon.. maybe something that’s not on everyones bucket list. But our little mat pilates pocket rocket Laura has just accomplished and has placed a huge tick on her bucket list by running a FULL marathon. This takes a MASSIVE amount of preparation, training and god know’s what else in between.
Laura you’re a QUEEN! Enjoy this blog post on Laura’s marathon journey..
My Running Journey..
Now I was never really a runner, yes I was the sporty girl who would zoom around like a kelpie off its leash but never did I think I’d be sitting here writing a blog post about my first marathon.
My first memory of running was running on the treadmill when I was about 7 — wearing nothing but those navy netball shorts/undies (IYKYK). I fell. Traumatised and I haven’t been on a treadmill since. Hence why I pursued swimming. I fell in love
with that too but that’s another story.
My love for running began when I was about 11 and I ran the 800m in our yearly athletics carnival where we versed two other schools because we were all so small we had to combine to give everyone a bit more competition. We started the race and I ran the whole thing on the outside of the track instead of merging into the centre of the track with everyone else. “you ran so much more than everyone else Lauz and you still won” the track Marshall (who was the principal/our neighbour at the time). I
think it was from this moment I thought maybe I could start running.

Fast forward to 2021 when I decided to complete my first half marathon because mum was training for her second (I know crazy) and I thought if she could, I got a bit
competitive haha!! I decided to do another then a year later ran 3km every day for Feb. THENNNNN joined the march charge to raise money for the cancer council and our QUEEN OF HEAT CAZ!!! This just spurred me on to finally build the courage to do a marathon. Because what else do you do to recover from a breakup lol.
Training was feeling very good, I was starting to get suspicious. Running 2-3 times a week, gym 3 times a week and Han and Ems yoga flow all in between. UNTIL…..
Week 14. The fizzle in my left hip started. I’ve had it before a couple of years ago but she’s back. Little miss lizzie the fizzle. Just imagine constant pins and needles on your left side and not being able to sleep on that side. So my taper period started early. No running longer than 30km because I can’t make it worse and it won’t get better in the next couple of weeks until I finish this marathon. This bloody marathon. There is the emotion of defeat before even getting to the 25 th of August. There is also excitement. Excitement to see how far I can push myself. Really test out my mental strength. The goal now is to finish……
Now it’s the night before, a CARB LOADING dinner, and I have my belt ready, race fit ready, and head ready.
Let’s crush this thing!
The Aftermath
5 am wake up, porridge, morning bowel movements and pop my gear on. It was gloomy and it had rained all night. Something I was happy about. I’m a bit like a horse that likes the wet track. Loves to plod along. AWAY we go.
A few things I thought of during the marathon..
- This isn’t so bad (first two laps, 26km)
- Ok my knee is going to snap, and I will have to forfeit (it didn’t, it was fine haha)
- I need the toilet….NOW
- What if I get lost?
- What is everyone else doing this rainy, gloomy Sunday morning?
- Ok 1km to go….*2 min later*…..this is the longest km ever

To reflect on this journey, I was tested to my limits, I found strength I didn’t know I
had. It has made me feel so bloody proud of myself and I know I shouldn’t feel weird
saying that but I do because that is how we can be conditioned sometimes.
So get out there and do something that tests your limits. Whether it’s applying to a
new job, leaving someone who isn’t right for you, moving to a new town or state or
running a marathon.
Laura, we are so proud of you. This is an unreal achievement and takes a hell of a lot of physical and mental strength. So, enjoy your time on the mat with Lauz, and even connect with her via socials, as she has a lot of goodness to share, a very knowledgable chick – we are so lucky to have you.
And stay tuned over on the Saltbush Stretch Instagram page over the next 3 weeks for a 3 part series on how to get the most out of your running with the help of yoga and pilates.
Big love. Em xx