Words by Em Armstrong
I’m not sure about you…but winter can sometimes be a weird time for motivation, movement, and just general sunshine vibes…Saying this…if we aren’t moving as much, we normally see more stiffness in the body, so I wanted to create something for you that was a little more holistic in terms of movement this winter!
So, Caz and I got our thinking caps on and brainstormed what makes us feel good (especially over the cooler months) …We came up with:
- Movement to keep warm (hello power yoga and Pilates)
- Stretches for winter stiffness (slow yoga BLISS)
- Outdoor walks (and runs if that’s your vibe) – Nothing better than a winters walk/run to warm up and get the body moving with your fave podcast or playlist
- Reading your favourite book or magazine
- Calm time – aka some mini meditations
- Fuelling our bodies with wholesome, hearty, and healthy delicious home cooked food
So, with all of this in mind…I am so excited to announce our winter Cool, Calm and Connected Challenge is just around the corner! And all of what I just mentioned is going to be included in this challenge…and as you know, there is a lot of thought, planning and love into our challenges and this challenge won’t disappoint…
This challenge is a little different from our previous challenges…so I hope you are as excited as I am…for something a little different, a little fresh (excuse the winter pun) and a little fabulous!
Keep reading to see some other amazing elements of the challenge…
Duration of the Challenge
All of our previous challenges have been movement for 21 days…this challenge is a little different…and I’ll tell you why…
This challenge is 30 days (but don’t freak out)…and we have strategically incorporated pilates, yoga (slow and power), walks/runs (if running is your vibe), clam time (meditations), reading and cooking all into a fabulous month to feel good from the inside out. So, an example of the first week might look like:
- Monday – Power Yoga
- Tuesday - 20 min outdoor walk
- Wednesday - Pilates
- Thursday - Read 10 pages a book
- Friday – Slow yoga
- Saturday – Cook something new
- Sunday – Mediation
And the good thing is that if the days that there isn’t any movement you can go back to one of your fave flows and add another one in (or enjoy the chill vibes)! So the 30 days is going to be gone in a flash (and then only 8 weeks until Spring – YAY)!

Move and Nourish Collab
Okay, so if don’t know about you…but I LOVE food! Wholesome, hearty and healthy delicious home cooked goodness. But I get that sometimes we lack a bit of excitement in the kitchen and just go back to the “usual suspects” of meat and veg…which we all know could do with a shake up…
Well, shake up I have!
I am SO excited to announce an exciting and delicious collaboration between Saltbush Stretch and The Homestead Pantry Box called “MOVE AND NOURISH”! The beautiful Sally is one of our amazing Squad babes and I just had to get her onboard for our Cool, Calm and Connected Challenge as I know we could all use some inspo in the kitchen!
Plus all Squad babes taking part in the challenge will have the chance to win one of Sal’s AMAZING 6-month Pantry Box Subscription.
Caz's Goal Workshop featuring Merry People
If you didn’t know…Caz loves all things health and wellness, but what she loves even more is helping people get these. Over the course of the 30 days, Caz will be taking you through a series of goal workshops to help you feel like the best version of yourself.
Stay tuned for another blog post about this coming soon…but start having a think about a goal now that you’d like to work towards for the challenge.
AND Caz will be picking a lucky winner for someone she thinks has stuck to their goal the best over the duration of the challenge over in our private Facebook group. With the winner getting to pick their colour of choice Merry People gumboots – YAY!
Stay tuned…

See you all in The Saltbush Squad to get Cool, Calm and Connected
Caz and I are so excited to bring this challenge to you and I hope you are excited too! If you are already a part of The Squad, get excited and let the countdown begin…
If you are sitting on the fence, what have you got to lose…NOTHING!!!
Big love. Em xx