Words by Em Armstrong & Han McGuffficke
WOOOOO! Hello furst new challenge of 2024. How crazy is that!! We are soooo pumped!
New year, new month, new challenge, same Squad! It’s time to hook back in and get back on the mat online or in the studio for our new ‘GET IT GIRL’ challenge. We know how this can be a strange and sometimes unmotivating time, once we’ve settled back into normal life (whatever that is) post-Christmas, New Year and Australia Day fun.
For most of us, holidays are now well and truly over and it’s time to get back into the swing of things, dust off the cobwebs and FFF (feel f***ing fabulous) on and off the mat.
Em and Han are bringing you all the fresh yoga and pilates goodness of this challenge online via The Saltbush Squad! And Em, Han and Mol will be bringing you all of the high vibes in The Studio)…
It’s going to be a perfect balance of that spicy Pilates burn and some OG Saltbush yogi vibes…HEAVEN (am I right)…’
Anyway, have a read below of all the details you’ll need to know and we can’t WAIT to see you online via The Squad or in The Studio.
PS: Squad babes, make sure you read the part where you can win me coming to your town…#saltbushtour OMG!
See you soon Queens. Em xx
Everything you need to know…(The Saltbush Squad)
The challenge will consist of:
- 21 days
- Equipment Free
- Yoga and Mat Pilates (with 3 new Refromer Flows for the Reformer chicks)
This may be a challenge for some of you (but we call it a challenge for a reason)…BUT, all of the flows are 20-30 mins with a few studio classes filmed, as an extra challenge to fit in some 45 min flows.
We want you to stay consistent over the full 21 days and we will be all cheering each other on together in true Saltbush Sprit.
Like our ‘Get your Groove back’ challenge from February last year, with the aim is to help get you out of that rut, back into a routine, and motivate you to move your body again after all those festivities and holidays (which we totally hope you made the most of because we certainly did!)
And make sure you read below on how you can win our biggest prize yet…SO BLOODY EXCITED!
Win Saltbush Stretch to your town…
After sitting and thinking, ‘what’s the ultimate Get It Girl prize?’ and ‘How can I give back to The Squad babes even more?’ Because after all, you are the OG’s. So.. what came to my head?? Community, connection and movement (of course)….ROADDD TRIPPPP!!
That’s right Saltbush Squad! We are coming to you!! Think, Saltbush Stretch in your hometown, we are bringing the screen to life and to YOUR town!
Here is how you can win..
- Be a part of The Saltbush Squad
- Complete everyday of the challenge (we'll be watching 😉)
- Share on socials (we'll provide you with more details soon)
- Tell us why you want us in your town (we'll provide you with more details)
- Winner will be picked by Em
Stay tuned for more info coming soon Squad babes…
Everything you need to know…(The Saltbush Studio)
The challenge will consist of:
- 21 days
- Reformer Pilates, Mat Pilates and Yoga Classes
- Pink vibes encouraged
- $100 voucher for Exie Studio activewear brand
We know that you can’t all get into the studio every day, which is why we want you to find 21 days of movement (with 3 days either in The Studio and or online via The Saltbush Squad)…more info in your weekly email…
And you can find the rest of your movement days, walking, gym, running, tennis, swimming or anything else you enjoy doing.
You will be provided with a “Challenge Card” in The Studio. This will have your 21 days as a tracker. You can take it home (or we can keep it in the studio)…
This challenge aims to help get you out of that rut, back into a routine, and motivate you to move your body again after all those festivities and holidays (which we totally hope you made the most of because we certainly did!)
Win $100 Exie Studio Voucher…
Because we all know it makes us feel that little bit more fabulous when you have some fresh activewear coming to class…
So, make sure you check out the ore-challenge email, and your challenge card or chat with us in The Studio, to see how you can win.
Stay tuned and good luck xxx
So.. lets Get It, Girl!
So, to all you bush babes seeking a dose of inspiration, grab your mat, kick off your boots, and join us for our ‘GET IT GIRL’ challenge, no matter if you are a Squad babe or Studio babe, we are all in this together!
Let’s hook into it together and embrace the challenge of movement, mindfulness, and the incredible strength of women in the bush. We are so stoked you are coming along for the ride.
So Squad & Studio Babes, get excited, get motivated, get out the active wear (something funky of course, and maybe with a touch of pink 😉) and lets “Get It, Girl’!!
If we haven’t already sold you on how amazing this challenge is, send us an email or DM and we can help you with any questions you may have, we can guarantee you’ll love hanging out with us xx
See you queens on the mat!
Lots of love
Big love. Em and Han xx